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The True Earth Prince

Sethos "Seth" Rosewood is a fan-made character and never appears officially in the Sailor Moon anime or manga. He was created for roleplay purposes and this page is a fictional biography that recounts many of his adventures during his sessions with various roleplay encounters in IMVU and other places.

RIP Ginette Rosewood 12/22/22

These are my other accounts related to Sailor Moon roleplaying.

Young Sethos

Name: Sethos "Seth" Rosewood (Beryl)

Alignment: Neutral

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Birthdate: December 24th

Blood Type: O

Forms: Earth Prince

Current Residence: Stays in New Tomoe Manor

Occupation: Student

Family: Queen Beryl (Biological mother, deceased), Prince Endymion (biological father), adopted into the Rosewood Clan

Physical Characteristics

Height: Short

Weight: Small

Eye Colour: Orange

Hair Colour: Red

How does he/she dress? He doesn't really have a set design, but does often wear cloaks, ponchos, loose fitting attire. Usually something he can set down fruits and nuts for him to share with various forest animals.

Bio: The history of Queen Beryl, The Dark Kingdom, Prince Endymion, and the Moon Kingdom are pretty well known to those of the Sailor Senshi. Well, during his time being brain washed, Prince Endymion and Queen Beryl conceived a child (though has no memory of this). When Queen Beryl met her end by Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Senshi, all parties seem to fade into the light of the Silver Crystal before returning to their normal lives (their memories becoming restored later). Memories of Sethos died when Beryl perished as the unknown boy appeared in the forest. He was found by an elderly couple who were living their final days in the wilderness. When Seth grew older, they passed away and he was forced to fend for himself. He'd eventually end with another family who raised him, giving him food, shelter, clothes and an education so he could speak and communicate with others better.

When discovering his true origins, he leaves his adoptive family to challenge the Sailor Senshi with intentions on avenging his dead mother and reviving the very same force that destroyed the Silver Age. He is eventually defeated and shown the truth about his origins. While initially resistant to it, he soon accepts the truth and now tries to move on his with his life. He doesn't return to his adoptive family, feeling shame for his decision and quietly tries to move forward with his life, becoming adopted by House Rosewood.

Hobbies: Taking long walks into the forest, hanging with various animals

Favorite Sayings: "This planet may have flaws, but it also has a future. A future I believe in and will fight for!"

Greatest flaws: Darkness still lurks his heart and is sometimes prone to outbursts because of it.

Best quality: Quite resilient

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: He's no genius, but he is able to speak with and commune with other animals. He's being supported by Tomoe Industries to continue his education at New Infinity Academy.

Intelligence Level: Average

Learning Experiences: What he lacks in formal education he makes up for with his nature's sense, as if he can feel the planet and understand, his empathy with animals and nature.

Character's short-term goals in life: Graduating school

Character's long-term goals in life: Getting married? He isn't too sure...

How does Character see himself/herself? Doesn't really think highly of himself anymore once he discovered his mother only used him as a tool for her revenge.

How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? That he's just some lame red haired kid

How self-confident is the character? Never really showed a lack of confidence in anything because no one was around to tell him he might be wrong until later on. That completely changed once he was used by his mother. Now his entire confidence and self-esteem is shot.

Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? Emotion, he doesn't believe he's smart enough to be logical

What would most embarrass this character? Being told of all the bad things he's done

Emotional Characteristics

How does the character deal with anger? Seth will burn everything to ash when angered enough.

With sadness? Seth has a hard time dealing with sadness. This is the first time he's truly sad and depressed. He doesn't know how to deal with it

With conflict? He tries to avoid it nowadays. He doesn't have the confidence he used to.

With change? Not a problem. The one thing he was able to do was adapt in nature.

With loss? When learning of his mother, the loss drove him mad. With current loss? He has no idea how to cope with it... maybe except for crying.

What does the character want out of life? Doesn't know...

What would the character like to change in his/her life? All the bad things he's ever done

What motivates this character? Finds it hard to be motivated...

What frightens this character? Confronting his past

What makes this character happy? Isn't sure

Is the character judgmental of others? Only himself

Is the character generous or stingy? Loves sharing.

Is the character generally polite or rude? Tries to be as polite as he can be.

Let's end this charade!

This section is a Street Fighter Alpha 3 styled recount of the roleplay plot that I've salvaged. Each character of mine had their own story so check each homepage for their own dialogue if you're interested

Beginning Storyline:

Sethos Beryl, the son of Queen Beryl and Prince Endymion of Earth.

His birth was known only to Beryl and he was sealed by Queen Beryl's magic, growing older quickly through that same magic.

Living in peace with animals and an adopted family, he soon gains memories of his birth mother. Feeling his mother was betrayed, he declares himself the true Earth Prince and seeks to destroy the Sailor Senshi by reviving his mother and her allies with the dark magic she passed down to him.

The resurrection of the Dark Kingdom and his mother's vengeance draws near...

Win Quotes:

"I alone will prevail... you cannot stop me!"

"The Dark Kingdom and Queen Beryl are eternal... the hour of twilight draws near!"

"It's time to rewrite history and purge the world of disgusting insects like you!"

"My every victory signifies the coming of the Sailor Senshi's fall!"

"Fear and respect... the supreme power that is the Dark Kingdom!"

"Run while you can. There will be no place to hide once my mission is completed!"

"Queen Beryl... I feel your sadness... share your pain... and embrace your hatred!"

"I am the True Prince of the Earth!"

Mid-boss: Leaf Kino

Versus Thunder King

Thunder King:

"Hold, boy! Your threat to my reign as master of the universe ends here! For I am the Thunder King and I will strike you down!"

Sethos Beryl:

"You look pretty small and awfully frail to be a threatening lord of thunder. It must pain you to be trapped in such a weak and fragile body."

Thunder King:

"Hold your tongue, seed of Beryl! Continue to mock me and I'll turn you into a living lightning rod!"

Sethos Beryl:

"Ha! As if your tiny sparks could harm me! Come, Thunder King! Let me end your misery by sending you and the pathetic boy you're in possession of to the afterlife!"

[after the battle]

Leaf Kino:

"U... ugh..."

Sethos Beryl:

"So you managed to survive. Very impressive, Leaf. I'll let you live long enough for you to see this world end!"

Destined Battle: Toma Tomoe

Versus Toma

Toma Tomoe:

"Hmph. That's quite enough, boy. You will advance no further."

Sethos Beryl:


Toma Tomoe:

"Introductions aren't necessary. All you know is that you threatened not only my life, but all life who live on this planet."

Sethos Beryl:

"Cut the bullshit. These people have betrayed my mother and accept the Moon Princess as their own!"

Toma Tomoe:

"Is this what it's about, boy? Mad that someone with greater power than you is defending this planet?"

Sethos Beryl:

"Pitiful. You don't even know why I want to kill you or those damn Sailor Senshi..."

Toma Tomoe:

"Actually, I do know. I've read your mind and know about your motivations. Really, though, do you think that reviving the Dark Kingdom is the solution to your problem?"

Sethos Beryl:

"...! How dare you...!"

Toma Tomoe:

"Right, right, not appreciating the breach of privacy, huh? Guess it doesn't matter what I say now. Okay, I'll fight you and convince you that this vendetta against the moon is pointless. And really, really stupid."

[after the battle]

Sethos Beryl:

"That'll teach you for invading my privacy you psychic bastard!"

Toma Tomoe:

"U-Ugh... these wounds aren't fatal... what... what are you planning...?"

Sethos Beryl:

"I'm letting you live so you can see the horror the Dark Kingdom unleashes on the Sailor Senshi and you. Killing you would've been merciful but for all the trouble you've caused me, I want you to die in the most painful and agonizing way, Tomoe! Hahaha!"

Toma Tomoe:

"Wait... Seth... listen to me... you're being manipulated..."

Sethos Beryl:

"Argh! Just shut up and lay there and die!"

Final Boss: Sailor Moon

Final Battle

Sethos Beryl:

"You... from the very beginning, you caused my mother and our beautiful kingdom so much grief and so many problems... you, the former heir and now ruler of the stupid moon. You, the self proclaimed 'Pretty Sailor Suited Soldier,' You, the crying, screaming, pathetic brat that preventing my mother's ultimate revenge against the one who has stolen her planet. You, the home wrecking bitch who caused my father to abandon my mother and dare live upon the planet you stole... what could YOU have to say to me, the rightful heir to the Earth and crown prince of the Dark Kingdom?"

Sailor Moon:

"Please... you don't have to do this! There's just so much you don't know about your mother and about the Dark Kingdom! It doesn't have to end like this..."

Sethos Beryl:

"Silence! Your hollow words are meaningless to me! I knew you could never understand... that you'd try to convince me that I don't know my mother or the kingdom that took her in during her most dire hour after father's abandonment and betrayal! Prepare yourself, Sailor Moon! I'm going to forever bury you in a oblivion of infinite darkness and retake my throne!"

Sailor Moon:

"Then.. you leave me no choice. For love and justice, I am the pretty sailor-suited soldier, Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon, Prince Endymion and the Earth, I will punish you!"

[after the battle]

Ending: "The Truth"

[Seth strikes Sailor Moon again and again with his sword before she finally falls to her knees and hunches over, clutching onto her wounds. Seth approaches her with a crazy look and wild smirk on his face]

Sethos Beryl:

"At last... I've dreamed of this moment..."

Sailor Moon:

"S-Seth... p-please..."

Sethos Beryl:

"How does it feel, Sailor Moon? How does it feel to know that you're about to lose everything? Everything that you stole from my mother... I'm about to end her suffering... and fulfill her vengeance by bringing back the Dark Kingdom... and finally destroying you!"

[A teary eyed Sailor Moon stares up at Seth as she pulls her broach from her chest. She then offers the accessory covered partially in her blood to Seth.]

Sailor Moon:

"I... didn't steal... Mamo-chan..."

Sethos Beryl:

"Oh, how cute... you've resorted to lying now to save your pathetic skin? And why the hell are you offering this to me?"

Sailor Moon:

"The Silver Crystal... will show you the truth... all you have to do... is touch it, Seth... please... if you still want to summon the Dark Kingdom after you see the truth, then I won't stop you. But at least... know what you're unleashing... and don't let deception and hatred blind your judgement..."

[Seth looks down at the broach before placing his hand on it. Suddenly, Seth discovers flashes of the past, the events, the betrayals and Seth pulls his hand back before staggering back and falls back]

Sethos Beryl:


[Seth continues to stare in disbelief as Sailor Moon continues to stare at him with teary eyes.]

Sailor Moon:

"She... she was just using you... When she took Mamo-chan, that's when... when she and him..."

[Tears roll down Sailor Moon's cheeks as she continues to stare at the boy]

Sailor Moon:

"No matter what, though... you... you're Mamo-chan's... son... I know in my heart that you're not a bad person, Seth... Please... you don't have to be afraid or angry anymore...."

[Seth placed a hand on his chest as he quickly began to feel the agony of being betrayed and lied to. That his mother's twisted desire for revenge extended to using him even after her death to fight the Sailor Senshi. Tears were now rushing into his eyes]

Sethos Beryl:

"She... she never loved me... or this planet... it... it was all about her hate... her obsession with hating you... and the Moon Kingdom. She... she never... ever cared..."

[Sailor Moon now stood to her feet before hugging Seth tightly]

Sailor Moon:

"It's okay now, Seth... everything will be alright... I promise."

[The scene fades]

[A new scene opens up as Seth approaches Rosewood Cafe. He then looks at his phone where he receives a text. Seth smiles to himself before putting his phone away and heads in]

After discovering the truth, I convinced Sailor Moon to let the other males back into the family. In return, she helped me get adopted by the Rosewood Family. I will now and forever be Sethos "Seth" Rosewood, son of Ginette Rosewood.

[Scene fades to black]


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