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Om Mig
Avatar since: 2006-08-04

Age: 31
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The Cure For Boredom Is Curiosity.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
So, I guess you're here to know more about me? Well, I don't know how to define myself. I'm 18 years old, I live in Norway, my name is Marit. Those are the very basics. I've spent a year in Germany, so I also speak German, in addition to English and Norwegian. I was an exchange student there. I loved it, it was a great experience and I grew immensely as a person during my stay there, but it still feels good to be back in Norway. My hobbies? I do like reading. I read mostly fantasy, altough lately I've been reading classics, like Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker. I collect postcards from around the world, and I'm a fresh but enthusiastic postcrosser. When it comes to physical activity I prefer biking, swimming and karate. I need to buy a new bike though, and I'm not active in Karate at the moment, but I'm hoping they will let me back in! Like any other young person in our world, I love to listen to music. Sadly I'm not able to play any instruments myself. I simply don't have the patience to practice. I mostly listen to alternative rock, but I can enjoy other genres too. It all depends on different factors of the song in question. I'm 18 and I've never been in a relationship. I guess I'm kinda looking for something serious, as I feel very lonely from time to time, but I sorta doubt that I'll find it online. On the other hand I've always doubted that I'll find it in real life as well, because I always doubt myself. I'm far from perfect. I'm inverted, not very good looking, sometimes too serious before I get to know people well. (it depends on my mood). But I'm not giving up hope. One day I'll find a nice girl for me. One day. x]
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Short BrownXh ChocoCherry Pewline*AK* Striped Long Top Bl$ ATH - DippedSepia Gretch
Sepia MariahTee [GS] Grey(HT] |Jack Graphics Tee||T| Edward Scsrhands Fit$EB Hollow Tan
$EB Thermal/ Red F${G} Vintage Batman TeeThe Genius(c)Muse shirt FemaleTTT Purple Egg Chair~Ani
TTT Art of Asia 2TTT WashUp Pose~No Unit[ACS] GLASS BARTTT Tatty Drape ~ Purplespacer
Kontakta Mig
Please message me if you wish to add me, unless you've already had a chat or two with me. I get many buddy request, and I don't accept all of them, so please contact me before you add me
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Mina vänner (7)
These avatars belong to people who made a pretty good impression on me. If you ask me to add you, I probably will, unless I've got a reason to dislike you. I remove people from my list quite often. If we don't talk for long, and you didn't really make a super impression, I probably will delete you after some time.
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