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My name is Jessica, Jess, or Jessie for short. Im the kind of girl who will dance in the pouring rain. Smile like im fine, when im not. Make you laugh when you want to cry. Worry more about you then me. Fall over laughing at the dumbest things, love so many, hate so few, when im hated by so many, and loved by few. I have been left broken hearted alot, and most of my relationships have ended cause they cheat on me. I try to be perfect but i cant be perfect all the time im human im supose to make mistakes, no ones perfect and we all make mistakes so dont judge me for mine when you make them too.

Important People To Me
Jess (sissy)
Hate List
Any one who thinks im fake, cause im fucking real, dont be jealous and harass me for what i look like i know im cute but im not fake, thats for sure

Ok as i said im 100% real, so dont be calling me fake. I also dont like it when i get call a bitch, slut, hoe, skank, or any of that crap cause im not. If you get to actully know me, im really nice, and sweet, and you can ask almost any of my friends that. I DONT give you respect unless i get it first. Thats just how i am, and im not going to change for any one, I want people to like me for me, not for what im not, or for what i look like.


Name: Jessica Di
Age: Old Enough
Sex: Not Today
Location: Right Here
Last Log On: When I Felt Like It

More about the important people to me

Your always there for me threw thick and thin, your and amazing person. I love you as a sister and i know that i can always count on you for any thing
There so much to say about this girl, we have been through alot, we may act like we hate each other sometimes but we dont we know inside we still love each other like sisters and no one can replace one or the other no matter how hard we try, we always come back together some how no matter what we always make up, i swear sometimes was are like ferternal twins with how much we have in common, and if one person is going to hate one of us that means they must hate the other, we are unseperatable no matter how hard you try to turn us against each other we always make up, i love you sissy

Welcome to my profile, Love you guys
[KISA]Guardian*DirtySkin*SYN*Emmylou*PinkCrush[KISA]LetMeSeeItOF[Nish] Angel Arm WarmersTF MagicGirl Avi 4 Tiny
[Anry] Pink Bow Left[SB]*Night Wolf Ears*[Anry] Pink Bow RightAnimated black cat tail~Dc) Tiny Paws
KIKI|ShoutOutfitKIKI|Revive2Skin† cute swtr / floralllAll:Another day, TatT|Deadly Rip| Darkside
C$ | LARGE S&W JERSEY[E]*Lip Pin*perfect Vans SupraW | Dramatic Eyeliner |spacer
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