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cute, MONEY, love, Friends, single, Movies, BOYS, Pink, music, cookies, tennis, Chocolate, shopping, dancing, ipod, tv, shoes, hiphop, Chatting, Singing, RnB, Internet, uk, relaxing, laughing
Om Mig
Avatar since: 2007-04-14

Age: 33
United Kingdom
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Avatar since: Candy was invented

Sex: Yes Please :3
Age: 1+2+3+4+5+1
Location: CandyMountain
Status: Taken Single
Last log on: Tomorrow

"Lets go CandyLand!!"
A lil bit about this boy girl...

My name is Emma :] && i live in England. Im 16 ...Cake Day 8th may :P i hate love spending time with my friends, both in real && on imvu :] lollipops r the sex c00kies are so addictive. Pencils + paper = hours of drawing ^^ sun + sea + sand = im SO there!!! Music is my life its what keeps me going :P i Hate beggars, fakers, haters... those kinda ppl. I dont judge ppl so i would appreciate it if u didnt judge me. Well. Yeh. Thats all u need to know about me :] Oh if u rele wana know what i look like then heres a pic xD Image Hosted by

Yeh the pic was taken on sunny windy all over the place :P

Speciell Någon
OMG!!! its jen :] i lubb her so much coz shes always there for me and we have so much fun together :P im nvr ever ever guna forget that game of truth or dare we had with ben xD lmao i hope we stay friends forever :] love u jen!! <3
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My Spechal Friends List xD
My friends mean everything to me ^^ they're always there for me when i need them and they can always make me laugh xD Love u all!! <333 -- in no particular order...


omg shortie!! i call her shortiepants xD shes like one of the nicest person ive met on imvu :3 we havent known each other for a long time but i just love talking to her, i know shes always guna be there for me when i need her and ill always be there when she needs me. ilysfm shortiepants <3 xxx


ooooh this is jen!! she changed her name to Cherry and im so JELOUS x]] everytime we talk she cheers me up even if im not even feeling down :P [[jen <3s ben]] xD luv yew jen!!! xxx


ooooh this is ben!! he makes the BEST poses and name tags EVER... hes sooo funny its unbelieveable xD ive met a lot of new friends through him and hes just a great friend to have around x]] hes going out with jen and i swear theyre like the cutest couple around ^^ ily ben!! --thanks for all the gifts -.-


yay its vicky!!! ive known this girl since like... *thinks*... ages ago xD BUT she changed her name to Precious and didnt even tell me :O ill get yew for that vicky xP we have the most AMAZING convos in her chatbox and i end up laughing so much it hurts xD ilysfm vicky <3 xxx


this girly is karin!! shes soooo funny xD once she left a a whole essay on my page and it took ages for me to read that msg lol i LOVE the way she types lol it brings a smile to my face:] we always make each other laugh and she just brightens up my day xD ilysfm xxx


omgsh its shirley!! this woman is amazing ;O she is so funny and i spend most of my time on her cb xD she is so ubberly funny i cry with laughter most of the time xP ive met so many new friends on her cb and i hope we always stay friends :] ilysfm shirley wurley <3 xxx


omg this is cindy!! x]] shes awesome, always making me laugh :P... omg im nvr guna forget that story we made up LOL wer guna be famous :D lmao ily cindy!! xxx


ZOMG its jaydee!! shes sooo pretty its not fair lol xD most of the time shes busy doing her pic or background that i feel like im talkin to the wall xD lmao but when she DOES talk she makes me laugh soo much x]] luv yew so much jaydee!! xxx


this is sylvie!! omg this girl is like... amazing :O she went to spain for 2 weeks and left me all alone :( burt i forgive her ^^ she puts a smile on my face and makes me laugh without knowing it and i can tell her EVERYTHING xD luv u so much hun xxx


OMG its ashley!! ^-^ my other lil sis x]] *counts* ive lost count of how many lil sis i got lol but i wont forget ashley!! she RULES!! :P luv ya lots hunnie sistas 4 life!! :] xxx

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