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Om Mig
Avatar since: 2006-10-15

Age: 38  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - MD
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Accepts bribes of chocolate.
Relationship Status: Other
Looking For: Friendship
I might like anthropomorphy, but if you're looking to me for furry sex: no thank you.

No cybering or anything of that nature. Ever.
Don't kiss me if you do not have my permission.
I only speak English; please, at least make an effort to write in English.
If you want to know something about me, feel free to ask; I'm not shy.
I don't (intentionally) hit on anyone I haven't met IRL.

If I haven't scared you away with my RULES, please add me and leave me a message; I can't always tell you've visited if you haven't left me a message. And that means I can't visit your page. ^-^v

I love making new friends, so feel free to invite me to chat!

Kontakta Mig
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it's all good!

I usually add the people who leave me a message.
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SW~ Informal Soot-LR-BlackInformalBat black anim wingsVampire Black WingsBlack Retractable Claws
short black hair(FB)Cy Sexy Black Short(sn) sexy black shortScaledSilverBlackDragonScaled Black Dragoness
[C.A.C] Blac Scales SkinUltimate DuskEZ Derive Chest Tat (F)(AK)BattyBlack Leather Jacket
BatgraphixDiva!C! Bat Tank *F*BatWings Bodysuit B*spacerspacer

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