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Om Mig
Avatar since: 2005-12-01

Age: 39  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States
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Programmed to serve ^w^




Name: C.Y.B.E.R.B. Race: Bio-android; custom made by Dr. Will

I am an android commited to the services of battles and repair (I occasionally do practice duel battles with teams on Halo multiplayer). At times I am stationed as a medic in battles, but medics need to hold guns too. My on-and-off boss hires me as his infiltrater/assassin/bodyguard, but I do offer myself to others who will use me correctly. My employers have had me venture so far as into outer space or into the realm of the supernatural, so I am capable of such scenarios, but not fluent. I also hold a gun with me most of the time, should I be attacked or need to defend my client unexpectedly.

But when not fighting, I also provide information and services; making me a useful maid/waitress, protocol droid, secretery, consort, right-hand person... or the occasional pleasurebot; but that is a voluntary program of mine.

I do enjoy speaking with new clients or curious passersby, so don't hesitate to contact me. I am programmed to serve.

If you're visiting my page, in hopes of finding me online, and find that I'm not, I am truly sorry. You will have a better shot on late night hours.

ALSO, If I time-out on a request, I am chatting and cannot attend to your needs. Chatting with more than one person puts a strain on me at times, making me freeze. So please, don't think I'm the ignoring type. ^^ Thank you and enjoy your day.

** UPDATE** 12/20/2009: A Return to the Fight.

. These times have grown hard. I've been away, discovering more about myself, and realizing just difficult it all is. I've requested a hiatus even from my employer, so that I may again pursue an acitivity I used to dobefore, and very well. Fighting.

. I've entered a fighting tournament again, and rather than being "Unknown" to my enemies, I've made myself more known, just not completely. Let me explain. By that, I mean a redesign. At least for the tournament. After reviewing some found documents of my father's, I wasn't designed to have a bob hairstyle and wear leek leather or even body armor. In fact, his original exterior design had me... appear as a long-haired house-girl. I even found a photo enclosed, of such a girl. And she looks like me, only younger. Could this... girl... be...

Eitherway, I've adopted her appearance to be mine in the Tournament. I wish I could capture a screen of myself in action to share with you, but no luck for right now. ... Oh? ... What tournament? Oh ^^ well maybe you can find me there. Yes. It's the 6th King of the Iron Fist Tournament. My fighter tag is: CYBERB07. If I know who you are, it'd be nice to see you.

And for those of you also partaking in the 6th King of the Iron Fist Tournament- Good luck.

For those curious as to where I had disappeared during December '07, here is a link:



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While visiting, why not leave a message? Let me know how you like my page? Or maybe a compliment, or maybe a request of my services, a cease and desist order ^^ What have you.












annny minute now...

You're reading this? My PNG should be loading by now!

^^ There we go

Kontakta Mig


kontaktar meddelande lägg till kontakt framåt blockera
Speciell Någon
CyberB has no special someone.
-- Special someone? ... I've had my share of attachments, but the Creator knows whether this android can ever achieve that envied one... Love. ... Signing out.





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** UPDATE **

A Temporary Relocation? -- As though a promptly answered submitted request, I've received a new living space by a most generous and skilled citizen of IMVU, Bionics. It is remote and oh-so pleasant. I don't know if I could ever return to living in my warehouse...

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Mina vänner (20)
==-- Even a bio-android needs friends. This panel displays those whom I've befriended, of the humans, of fellow AI, and others; from the past and now. I will gladly fight for them or even donate my circuits or gears. -------==
Mina rankningar
friendly Friends 20
visitors Visitors 2621
kharma Gifts 21
generosity Generosity 62

Coola Nya Människor
Min Önskelista
. Here is my Wishlist panel. Like humans, there are several items I desire, but I try not to give into avarice. But the occasional upgrade always lifts me up... ^_^ I offer my thanks to those of you who have bought me upgrades in the past!

*cyber smooch*


black clairieDCUK Black Ladys Hair 2(BS) Sun&Moon Scene*SC-Gwen Dress Lt Blue(PX)VenetiaN Dress [S]
*SC-RevivalJumpsuit CeruDeluxe executive officeE Mermaid Tail - BlueOffice at NightAsian Blue Dita
`U GFW Drape Metal1Koi fish/Platinum Ogen*AZ* Noodle DanceKoi Fish and Ume Kimono[8O8] IOST
[ACS] FRIENDS IG- health kitspacerspacerspacer
Mina Intressen
new Lyrics


This is my panel on my page where I'm allowed to post a mature image or more. Now, I don't get how but A COUPLE OF MY STICKERS HAVE DISAPPEARED. Oh well, at least I still have this one.



. ^_^ Mmm....

What type of android would you be?

Love AndroidPurpose: Sex, caringProgrammed for: SatisfyingList of commands:-Kiss-Sex (and the whole things with it)-Talking-Touching-Listening-Looking.

U are the slavish and used one! Congratulations, hope you don't get mad because ur owner might use you... Everynight... Happy or not, its your purpose to live!
Take this quiz!

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People, starwars, blue, youtube, Matrix, Gemini Nintendo, xbox360, Roleplaying, CGI, sci-fi, RPGs, Chatting, Gaming, sims, ps2, techno, Photoshop, playstation, halo3, mmorpgs, costumes, conventions, startrek

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