bloodbarren Avatar since: 2006-10-04 Male United Kingdom Last log on: What the hell!! Its full of teenyboppers!!
my queen. my GF. my lover n my best friend. you have no idea how happy i am to have you in my life. i know and i feel that YOUR gonna be the one TRUE n constent thing in my life. the best thing iv done in the 3-4 years iv been on imvu is walk into your room that day. in the short time wev been togeather wev been threw so much already. but were STILL standing strong. n for aslong as i live. wel stand strong n walk this path togeather. i love you baby. love always. your dark lord. Barren x x x x x
gore, vampire, blood, weed, demons, animals, pisces, tattoos, heavymetal, righting, blades, unitedkingdom, horrer |

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