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Savanah. Well to me shees the bestt. its going on 5 years now ive known her. so many gud memeries together, movies, the school football games, sleepovers, hanging out, the summer, school, and in health, the passing notes, but it seems there is no need now that weve got texting(: We havee alot of memeries that no one can make not good. if im down, i kno i can go to her, and if shes down she knows ill be the one to lift her back up. id write more but it says ive only got a bit left. not friends,sisters%u2665 ilyy

Alyssa, one way i can put this girl is ahmazing. We met when we were just babies, not knowing who eachother was until now, we also didnt know we lived 5 houses away from eachother. i dont know what i would do if that day, i never met her. I think both our lives would be different. Me asking "dnt i kno u" brought me to where i am today, with alyssa. We have great memeries, some that you could only dream of having. Some say shes shy, some say shes "out there" but to me, shes more then that. Whenn i need someone to go to i know that i can trust her. If you ever think of touching her or even sayin shit to her, itll be like sayin it to me, and you damn right know ill fuck you up. Think im crazy? no, think im a bitch? Hell yes(: but im just a good friend as well. and that goes for everyone else in my special someones list.. ily lyss.

Leahhh:D ahh this girl, bundle of frigen everything. Hyperness, weird obsessions(; , her deciding throwing ice up in the air and having your mouth open while it comes back down, ya not so smartt :PP But this is what makes Leah , well Leah. We met in 3rd grade, and didnt know we lived on the same street till we hung out. ever scince, leah, alyssa, and myself have all been together. The summers, the school, the classes, the walks, the vacas, its like we are actually blood related sisters. But even if we werent blood related, were all sisters and stick through it all, aaf. ly(:
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Om Mig
Avatar since: 2008-03-09

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My name: michellleee Alright, so theres a lot to say about me. Im pretty kinda smart, i can be a bitch, matter of fact, i am abitch i wouldnt recomend calling me one bez id just take that as a compliment(: ive got the best of friends anyone can have. . im also really outgoingg and im my own person, you can't change that. i lovee to havefun, who doesnt(: Dont tell me crap ordrama, im done with that. I do whatever i want, so dont think of telling me what to do. If your reading this and think all i am is a bitch, think again. Im more then just that, im michelle. Confused? i don't care I think you know anouph now, soget out(:


onee moree thing dont ask for the cell
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