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ell-oh-vee-ee V.1Toxic Bracelets - RightLittle Panda$On The FloorPanic Bracelets - Left
[H]CutestLittlePandaEver!!Demonika Sombrespacerspacerspacer
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Caramell Dance :DDD
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Om Mig

Avatar sedan: 2006-10-01
Age: 31
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"Explosion! 0.0"

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Im Hang! ^^ 13 years old and like Rock&Techno^^ I like to draw and like Anime like: Bleach, Naruto, Death Note and all that! ((; No randomness...No life '.' I like to mix thing! And my style isnt that sexy or cute or that :P Feel free and leave a message ^^ I gonna answer u! 8) If u dont leave a message..I gonne chase you to DEATH >:]] BWHAHAHAH!! ...........If you want to add me, leave a message x) I wanna talk with u by message first and know u a little (; This site looks best on FF!! --,'' --Mee BTW!! MY B-DAY :O I CANT FORGET THAT!!! O_O JUNE 27TH >:DD Bwhahaha!!

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Looking For: Friendship
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HoniiBon <3 ^^Aishiteru, honey <3 Best friend EVER!
3 y. friendship..Thats very good u know o.o

Ur very crazy. And somewhat very dumb x)
But I love it! Ur randomness!
Its something I hate about u. But I love it too :D I love EVERYTHING about u! Negative and Positive! X'D
Also when we drink cappuchino. Its like: WTF O_O x']

We have the same problems.
I cant live MONTH or WEEK or A DAY without u <3
U're simply the best!
Shame that we arent in the same class :'{

This is a little proof that u're the BEST! <3
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