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Om Mig

Avatar sedan: 2006-08-15
Age: 37
United States - KY
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"You Keep Spot Checkin. ***** aint nuthin changed....IM STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!"

See My Albums (2)

Whas good pimps n pimpettes? This is ya girl B. If you aint on no Bull then get at me. If you plan on talkin to me then add me. I dont want to sit n look pretty on no ones page or buddy list. So if you add my name be sure to use it feel me. Imma cool, down to earth, goofy ass female who speaks her mind. I reside in Louisville, Ky but originally from Wichita, Kansas. But if there is anything else you want to kno about me then be sure to get at me. N the pics on my page...I designed wit my own creativity...holla at me if you want me to hook up ya page. Trust there is a small fee...backgrounds 200 credits n regular pics 150 credits. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
If I forgot about u in my slide show tell me...
Kontakta Mig


NameBrittanie aka Dolla
BirthdayOctober 20th
BirthplaceWichita, Kansas...Wichita's Finest right here!
I live hereLouisville, Kentucky....The Princess of Derby City
Short or Long HairLong
Right Handed or Left HandedLEFTY
HeritageBlack n Spanish
Shoes Worn 2Dayawww shit...I just wore my socks lol
WeaknessI dont have any
Fearsthe dark...on that real shit. I got a night light lol
A Perfect Pizzzzahawiian
Goal I Must AchieveGraduating from college of course
Overused Phraseaww man...thanks to Tone
Thoughts First Waking Upshit I got to go to class
Best Physical Featuremy eyes and lips, o yea and chest lol
Bedtime2:00 a.m. At least i try to or else I won't get up
Most Missed Memoryhigh school and all my friends
Pepsi or Cokeneither...cant drink caffine
McDonalds or Burger foods make me sick now
Single or Group Datessingle...i want my man to myself! ;)
Lipton Ice Tea or Nesteatea is tea lol
Chocolate or Vanillain ice cream...vanilla...but in men mmm Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffeedont drink neither...I hate coffee
Do you Smokenah
Do you Swearof course
Do you Modelshit....
Do you Singyea
Have you Been in Loveyea
Do you want to go to Collegei is in college
Do you want to get Marriedyea
Do you belive in yourselfof course
Do you think you are Attractivehell yea
Are you a Health Freaknot really...i just watch to see if im gettin fat or not
Do you get along with your Parentsmy mom dad no
Do you like ThunderstormsLOVE EM
Do you play an Instrument(s)used to...piano, and violin
In the past month have you Drank Alcoholyea a lil..does tasting hard lemonade count
In the past month have you Smokednah
In the past month have you been on Drugsnah
In the past month have you gone on a DateTONE DONT TAKE ME NO WHERE!!!!
In the past month have you gone to a Mallnah...well shiit walmart lol
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreosnah
In the past month have you eaten Sushinah
In the past month have you been on Stageyea!!! DANCING!!!!
In the past month have you been Dumpednah
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dippingummm black people dont do that. Somethin will bite u in the ass
In the past month have you Stolen roommates shit...i dont like that bitch
Ever been Drunkbuzzed lol
Ever been Beaten too much of a likeable person
How do you want to Dieim not thinkin about that right now..i have too much to live for
What do you want to be when you Grow Upa middle school math teacher
Best Clothing Stylewhatever is comfortable to u
Number of Piercings0
Thing(s) I love the mostnameless lol
What country would you most like to VisitSpain or Mexico
Anorexic or Bullemicwtf
Favorite Technology Thingmy laptop
Best Hairstylesuhhhh the one i have now
Number of things in my Past I RegretI dont regret live and u learn

Speciell Någon
Dolla06 has no special someone.
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friendly Friends 43
visitors Visitors 1409
kharma Gifts 4
generosity Generosity 53

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Min Önskelista
HoneyNutKyuBBR Hat whit motion WhitBBR hat whit motion Blak-=OG=- Dollar Capris YB-=OG=-Girl Snowman Kiks
[LD] Pained Black Nez-=OG=- Blk White Jacket[ACS] NATURE BEAUTY-050[ACS] LCD TV DELUXEPCP~PlasmaTv Derivable
Arianas White Empire(L) Golden Blnd Naikelea~M~ 050 Roan/MelonLF] 'Rendevous' Jeanz-=OG=- Dollar Capris RB
[LF] G Graf L Force 1'z~varanasi white capris~Ruffled Gigi Redspacerspacer
Mitt Rum
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