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Avatar sedan: 2007-05-01
Age: 52
United States - TN
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"Just remember in the end there are more things said, then there are done..."

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Greetings once again all, I would like to introduce you all to me new friends, and familars...Remus, and Romulos (Left to Right)...Remus, and Romulos 1-2 Here they are maxin' and relaxin' Romulos, and then Remus...(Left to Right)Photobucket
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Chatting
For those of you who want to get to know me a little better here is the link to my website. You'll have to copy, and paste it, but there it is... Signed, DruidicMaster http://lordelrinambitrealm.piczo.comOutland Kingdom King, and Queen Banner

Here I am, well excepting the mustache is gone now, but all else is the same...Druidic...
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Some music for you Buddy. These songs fit us the most I should think... Love you, Merlin...

Me Familiar Merlin Goodbye my dearest friend, I shal miss you ever more... Here lies Merlin, a mans most favorite Familar... July 4th, 1997 to May 9th, 2008
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Dark Elf Armor Bottoms[D] PERFECT HEADhead$$B' +Hunter Hair+WW's AVATAR HEAD SMALL
CdL Avatar Arm [L]QF^Avatar TAil Fem/MalQF^Avatar Fantasy BandQF^Avatar Fantasy SkinQF^Na'vi Amar Braid
Irish Male VoiceQF^F AVATAR LongBraidStone Eyebrows 2 [M]Stone Hair (Messy) 2[DD]GoldenDragon Tatt2
Spiked Piercings [toxic][HS] Any skin Gold Tats[HS] Any skin Toxic Tatsspacerspacer
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