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Om Mig

Avatar sedan: 2006-02-24
Age: 37
United States - NC
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"hey pplz"

Se Mina Album (1)

Long, Random, Interesting, Bored, Blah, Fun.
The Basics
Full name::Mandie Lynn Warren
Home town::Union Grove
Birthday::April 3, 1987
Hair color::brown
Eye color::brown
Height::i dont know
Contacts or glasses::no
Piercings::belly, ears, nose, eyebrow
Do you wear any rings?:no
What shoes do you wear?:converse
Just Lately
How are you today?:im ok..
What pants are you wearing?:black jeans with chains
What shirt are you wearing?:black green day shirt
What song are you listening to right now?:panic at the disco songs..
What was the last thing you ate?:pizza
How is the weather right now?:dark, cloudy, rainy
What time is it?:12:07 am
More About You
What are the last four digits of your phone?:4854
If you were a crayon what color would you be?:purple
Have you ever almost died?:what kinda question is that?
Do you like the person you got this survey from?:yea.. duh
What makes you happy?:chocolate and ice cream
What's the best advice ever given to you?:i dont know
Ever done drugs?:no
What sport do you hate the most?:football
What sport do you love the most?:soccer
How many TVs do you have in your house?:2
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?:... thats personal
Have you ever broken a bone?:no
Who do you tell your dreams to?:my best friend
Your Friends
Who is the...
Most energetic?:
Least energetic?:
Preppiest?:paige, cindy
One you can trust with anything?:sierra
Best friend?:sierra
Most likely to end up in jail?:
Daredevil?:damon, me and sierra
Would you die for your friends?:i dont know
Do you have a crush on any of your friends?:no
You and Love
Do you believe in love?:yes
Do you believe in love at first sight?:i dont know
Do you want to get married?:yes
What song do you want to be played at your wedding?:i dont know
Long or short hair?:middle
Curly or straight?:straight
Tall or short?:tall
Good boy or bad boy?:both
Hat or no hat?:both
Ears pierced or not?:maybe 1
Dimples?:ook... no
Studly or cutie?:cutie
Smart or dumb?:both
Boxers or briefs?:both
Funny or romantic?:both!
Regular or thong undies?:
Painted nails or not?:
Dressy or casual?:
Curly or straight hair?:
Dark, light, or cool/crazy eyes?:
Hat or no hat?:
Hair up or down?:
Jewelery or not?:
Tall or short?:
Smart or dumb?:
Blonde or brunette?:
Pants or skirt?:
Funny or romantic?:
Lights on or off::off
McDonalds or Burger King::McDonalds!!
Do you wish on stars?:they betrayed me
Which finger is your favorite?:thats a hard question..
What do you think of the person you took this from?:i dont know
Do you like your handwriting?:yea
What's your favorite lunch meat?:steak..?
Any bad habits?:yea
Do you have any embarrasing CDs on your shelf?:nope
If you were another person would you be friends with yourself?:maybe.. probably.. yes
Are you a daredevil?:yea
Do looks matter?:not really
What do you miss the most right now?:my dog he got ran over by a tractor
What are you thinking of right now?:billie joe
Do you think there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?:no
Do fish have feelings?:what the fuck?
How do you release anger?:hmm.. letting it out on my TV
Where is your second home?:nowhere
Do you trust others easily?:sometimes
What was your favorite toy as a child?:i dunno
What class in school do you use as "nap time"?:history
Are you in love with someone?:yes
What's your favorite color(s)?:black, purple, red, not much pink
What is your least favorite thing in the world?:veggies
Ever been on TV or in the newspaper?:yes
What do you do when you're sad or depressed?:stare at a picture of billie joe ^^
Do you use sarcasm a lot?:sometimes
What are your nicknames?:tater-tot, skittles, peanut, silly.. it goes on
Would you bungee jump?:HELL NO!!
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?:nope
What are you worried about right now?:lets see.. my cat is gettin ready to jump on me
Anything else you want to add?:I LUV BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG!
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