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Om Mig

Avatar sedan: 2007-02-01
Förenta Staterna, USA
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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
My name is Janelle, I am a 26 year old female living in the state of Pennsylvania. I have brown hair, hazel eyes, (if you want to know more just ask) I graduated from high school with honors back in the year of 1999. Since then, I was spending alot of time on my computer making websites for many of my favorite actors and or singers, I have been making them for many years.. But i still think theres always room to improve! I'm learning alot of new tricks on the way though, and its alot of fun! :) I am the youngest of 4 kids, in my family.. I have 2 brothers, one is Jimmy (33), and the other one is Brian (30), and I also have a sister Kim who is now (27) I'd Like to think of myself as a very out-going person, who loves to make people laugh and feel good about themselves. I am always up for a nice chat with anyone who maybe interested.. when im not on the computer I just like to spend time with my family and friends. I am a huge animal lover, currently I have a 12 year old shitzu by the name of Chelsea, she has been with me and my family since she was about 4 months old. She is a very smart, loveable dog who I spoil rotten...LOL She is my life, I wouldnt give her up for anything in this world!! Recently, I started to go bowling (yes I bowl) weather or not I like it.. thats still being decided! LOL. Okay, parts of it could be fun, and I sometimes get a good laugh out of it. The highest I ever scored was a 131... I consider that pretty good considering I dont go that often.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I also started to put together a scrapbook, thats something I enjoy.. I think its a really cool way to keep all your memories of things intact. Personally; I don't really like my picture taken, so its not that often you will see pictures of me.. even if it is my book! LOL Other then that, to know me is to love I am just me, the ~*Sweet & Sassy Princess~*
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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*
Name: Janelle April
Date of Birth: April 4 th, 1980
Birthplace: Hazleton Pa
Current Location: The Same Crappy Area
Eye Color: Hazel/Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown.. HATE IT!!! Must Dye It Again Sometime
Height: 5'3 Small, But Im Still Not The Girl To Mess With.. Wanna See Why? Take Your Best Shot.. LOL :)
Heritage: Dutch-German Italian
Piercings: Just My Ears
Tattoos: Nope Can't Say I Do...
Band/Singer: I Love Firehouse & H.I.M.
Song: Hmmm, One Of My Favorites Would Have To Be "Wings Of A Butterfly" - H.I.M.
Movie: CrossRoads, Bride Of Chucky, CandyMan 3, How Too Lose A Guy In 10 Days, Forever Love...
Disney Movie: A Cinderella Story
TV show: Full House, Reba, Three's Company
Color: Pink, Silver, & Black
Food: Chicken, Chinese, Pizza, Pasta,
Pizza topping: Just Plain For Me Thanks
Ice-Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip Mint
Drink (alcoholic): Hmmm Im Not Picky.. I'll Drink Anything But Beer
Soda: Coke..
Store: Bath & Body Works
Clothing Brand: I Really Don't Have One
Shoe Brand: Again, They Are Shoes.. I Have No Special Brand Names Of My Choice
Season: Summer, Or Sping
Month: April
Holiday/Festival: Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day
Flower: Pink Roses Or Daisies
Make-Up Item: Blush & Lipstick
Board game: I'm Not Really Into Any.. So, I Dont Have A Favorite
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Hmmm Both I Love Fruit & Veggies
Night or day: Usually Day
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Love & Money..
Phone or in person: Phone Is Okay, But It's Best In Person.. For More Then Enough Reasons
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: Neither... Cappy Please
Hot or cold: Hot.. I Hate Being Cold..!!
Goal for this year: To Find Love Finally.. & Be Happy
Most missed memory: My Grandmother... (R.I.P. I Love You)
Best physical feature: My Eyes & Smile (So Im Told)
First thought waking up: Here We Go Again... I Hate This Time Of Day!!!
Hypothetical personality disorder: ????
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Boob Job... LOL
Sesame street alter ego: I Dont Know, Never Thought About That..
Fairytale alter ego: Hmm... Who Cares
Most stupid remark: I Don't Have A Clue
Worst crime: Death... I Believe Its Wrong
Greatest ambition: I'm Not Even Going To Answer This One..
Greatest fear: Dying Alone, Heights, Elevators,
Darkest secret: I Have A Few.. Yes, So What??? LOL
Favorite subject: In School It Was Graphic Arts
Strangest received gift: Hmm I Don't Know
Worst habit: Biting My Nails
Do You:
Smoke: No.. Not For A While Anyways
Drink: Yep Sometime
Curse: Fuck Yeah.. It Wouldn't Be Me If I Didn't LOL
Shower daily: Sure
Like thunderstorms: They Are Okay.. I Don't Mind Them @ All
Dance in the rain: Nope, Can't Say I Do Sorry
Sing: Only If You Want Your Ears To Bleed
Play an instrument: Uhhh No.. I Never Did
Get along with your parents: Yes, They Are Both Awesome.. & I Love Them
Wish on stars: Nope.. They Almost Never Come True
Believe in fate: Yeah, I Guess
Believe in love at first sight: Yeah I Sure Do... It Happened To Me Before
Can You:
Drive: No
Sew: Nope
Cook: Only If You Like Your Food "Well Done" LOL
Speak another language: Some, But Not Much @ All
Dance: No I'm Not A Big Fan Of That
Sing: Nope
Touch your nose with your tongue: Uhhh No, I Cant
Whistle: Sure I Can
Curl your tongue: Nope.. I Know because I Tried & Failed
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Not To The Point I Dont Remember Things
Been Stoned/High: LOL.. Not That I Remember
Eaten Sushi: Ewwwwwwww Noway
Been in Love: Oh My God Yeah :)
Skipped school: Nope.. I Liked School... I Know Im A Nerd
Made prank calls: No..
Sent someone a love letter: No, They Always Knew How I Felt About Them
Stolen something: Nope, Im Not That Silly
Cried yourself to sleep: Oh Sure.. Many Times
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Hmmm Where Do You Want Me To Start? LMAO
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? Whenever I'M Tired
Name three things you can't live without: Money, My Cell Phone, & My Friends & Family
What is the color of your room? It's White All Done In Sunflowers (My Favorite Flower)
Do you have any siblings? 2 Brothers & 1 Sister
Do you have any pets? 2 Dogs... Love Them!!!
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? No.. Come On.. Its Not Worth It
What is you middle name? April
What are you nicknames? Jellybean, Kid, Nell, Small Fry, Jan
Are you for or against gay marriage? No, As Long As it Dont Affect Me.. I Dont Care
What are your thoughts on abortion? It's The Wrong Thing To Do... But Its The People Who Have The Baby Who Needs To Make It
Do you have a crush on anyone? Yes, I Do.. But I Dont Think He Knows About It
Are you afraid of the dark? Nope
How do you want to die? Pain Free
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? Probably 2... But I Dont Eat Them Now
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Yeah
What is the last law you�ve broken? I Didnt Break Any Laws
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Brown Or Blonde
Eye color: Hazel... Or Blue
Height It Doesnt Matter As Long As They Are Taller Then Me
Weight ????
Most important physical feature: Cute Smile & Eyes
Biggest turn-off ????? I Dont Know

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Speciell Någon
Janelle622001 has no special someone.
Rules To My Playlist: If any songs on my playlist take a while to load, or they dont play at all, let me know and I will fix them! Keep in mind though that some songs do take a bit to load.. I will be updating the list again soon! However; I am aware of a few of them arent currently working, I will be fixing that soon!
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For those of you who don't already know I am a HUGE H.I.M fan, and have been for a while now, and seeing as i am such a loyal fan to them I just had to work some HIM images in here as well.. I hope no one minds! :)

MySpace Glitter Graphics
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myspace graphics

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Below is a small slideshow that i put together with pictures of my avatar.. a little later, I will add some "real" pictures of my life.. :) i Hope you all enjoy the rest of my site..It will updated soon!
myspace icons myspace icons myspace iconsmyspace icons
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Sorry, but I just had to add this image here, mainly because after reading it.. i believe it fits me too a "T" so to speak! - I love it!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting : 4,000 Graphics and Pics
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MySpace Glitter Graphics
I am not gonna beg you to buy me anything! I'm not that kind of person.... You DO NOT have to by me anything at all for this site or for my avatar to wear.. Part of a wish list to just to show friends of yours what you would like to have.. but if you dont have the credits i dont expect you to get it for me.. I do not take anything from anyone! However; if you see something along your travels through the sites that you believe that would look nice on my site or my avatar.. and you buy it for me out of your own will then i will be more then happy to accept your gift to me. I will then do my best to return the favor!

MySpace Glitter Graphics
[MK] Guns Racerback Pink! Kit Beige wow jeans !!Pink Crush Hoody~B~ baby blue dreamsLilac Chinchilla Bundle
Sunny Chinchilla Bundleblack chair with cusionsLight Brown Curly Hairserenity pool roomExquisite Diamond Choker
Pink Sparkle Spike HeelDarque Heather Hair[ACS] GREY TIGHT PANTSRed/Black Bikinispacer
