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"Hi 56 year old widowed male looking"

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Your Birthdate: July 5
You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others.
Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy.
Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas.
Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.

Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower

Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom

Your power color: Tangerine

Your power symbol: Ace

Your power month: May
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What Furry are you?

You're the Black Wolf. You tend to stick to yourself or with a close friend who is either a normal wolf or a lion. "Most entertaining" is what you say. your sarcastic saying?....same as the white wolf. " Oh that was smart"
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Chatting meeting new friends here at IMVU,women,swimming bowling walks on the beach,sex,astrology metal detecting,reading treasure magazines hauntings,fantasy,horror movies some chick flicks,pets
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To my future and special loved one can't wait until we meet
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your dragon self (stunning pics and detailed results)

You Are A White Dragon, you are a little slow and work on instinct. You live in really cold places, isolated. You like solitude, but you hunt with other dragons. You would rather eat polar bears, seals, and fish, that you would have previously frozen with your ice breath. You can't talk to humans though.Like every dragon, you keep a treasure hidden, in ice cave, inside icebergs only accessible by the under water part.stone: diamondquote: "Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up." from Pearl Buck you control: ice
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What kind of Dragon are you?
White Dragon

You are majestic and elegant. You might not pick up on things right away and maybe you can be alittle slow, but no matter what you are a beautiful person, inside and out.You are a very calm person and tend to be kind and friendly.

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Coola Nya Människor
What MrBill49 Means
M is for Mellow R is for Refreshing B is for Brilliant I is for Intense L is for Lucky L is for Lucky 4 is for 9 is for
You scored as Eyes of Crystal, You have eyes of dedication. You do your best, even if your best isnt that good. You have worked your ass off to get where you are now, and you dont plan on giviing up yet. Stay focused on your goal, for you have eyes of crystal. ~thx 4 taking my quiz~

Eyes of Crystal


Eyes of Mystery


Eyes of Rage


Eyes of Blood


What Is Revealed by Your Eyes?
created with
Which Sexual Position Are You?

U like to get down wit da get down. You not scared to try anything

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What kind of soul do you have?
Good Soul

As a angel sent down from heaven you have plenty of good to spread around. You put others before yourself 100% of the time. If someone you know isn\'t happy, then neither are you until they are and your friends will stay true to you because of this.

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*How Are You in Bed?*
Passionate Lover

You like it Slow. You like to look your lover into the eyes & kiss him/her on the neck or like them to kiss you on the neck. You like to REALLY feel them. You like to make slow passionate love just like on TV.

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Whats your sex style?
Romantic Sex Style

You like to take it slow, lots of kissing and touching. Just like in a Chick flick... takes the girls away! At best when you are in love with your sex partner, and if not...they will be!

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what kiss are you?

u love ur mate! u never want to leave them no matter what! passionate is the perfect love!

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What type of love are you?
Playful Love

You are a Playful Love you like to play around with your partner and are an equal when it comes to your decisions.

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What\'s your sexual IQ?
True Master

You more knowledgeable than the Goddess of Sex. Go out and spread your wealth of knowledge.

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my carbrooklyn cobra 2luxurious airplane1Beach ApartmentRaiº Formal Bundle Black
EO Intsa-Pimp Bundle 2Luxury Swinging HammockHawaiian Loft JacuzziEO Insta-Pimp Bundle 1[my]Island by Night ani
Dragon rideRomantic Sunset Islandspacerspacerspacer

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