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Avatar sedan: 2006-10-02
Age: 55 18+ Age Verified Åldersverifiering
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"When I first"

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The Golden Roleplay Rules

1. Fun Means More Than One

2. Own the Action, Not the Effect

3. Learn the Form

4. Respect the Players, Respect the Play

Fun Means More than One

Roleplay is a game. It’s supposed to be fun. Everyone has fun in different ways, but if your kind of fun is making other players not have fun then you are not doing it right.

Own the Action, Not the Effect

When roleplaying its important to understand the Action and Effect limit of play. It can be easy to get swept up with a cool idea and and end up posting how the other characters in the room react. It is not in your right of play to take over another player's character. You have every right to describe your actions in as much detail as you like, but then let the other players determine how and why your actions affect thier characters. Breaking this rule you will be accused of auto-hitting, god-moding and will end up being booted or ignored.

Learn The Form

OOC means "Out of character" IC means "In Character".
Keep all OOC comments in bubbles so that all readers can clearly see that you are speaking to them as a person not as a character.

When IC Separate your actions from your speaking.
> use marks before and after actions to make it clear when your character is talking and when your character is doing something.
Accepted marks are: * : :: - //

Read other players post and respond to things they have posted.

Find out if the room is turn based or freeform. If turn based only post on your turn.

Respect the Players, Respect the Play

This is a simple rule that covers a lot. Ask to play music. Acknowledge other players posts. Say Hello when you enter and good bye when you leave. No Name calling. No bringing OOC stuff into the play. If someone's play is messing with yours, talk to them ooc politely. Be patient with new players and refer them to these rules. Remember that there are Real People with Real feelings, and Real issues behind the pixels.
Mina Intressen

Rules I Play By

Use actions, play music without asking, auto-hit or god-mod, spam, or ignore posts.

Use bubbles for ooc (), post an entrance, READ and respond to the posts, have fun.

If your unsure about anything ask in OOC.

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