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Welcome To My Home Page. Hope You Enjoy And See All I Have Done. I Am A Sweet Man That Take Time To Be Here And Share My Self To All.. Don't Need No Drama, My Real Come First, Thank You For Coming By.. Leave A Message

When I Love .. I Love With All I Have.. I Don't Play Mind Games Or Hurt No One, When I Use Does Word ,I Love You . I Really Mean It. I Have My Better Half And She Know Who She is. Love You My Love One, Always Need You

My Friends Are Important To Me, Some Have Been There in My Good And Bad Time.. A Friend Don't Judge And Won't Talk Bad Things About You.. A Friend is Always There and Lends The Shoulder To Cry On, A Ear To Listen, Arms To Hold You And Till You Don't Worry . This is A Friend To Me, Thank You My Real Friends.

Support Does Creator in Imvu. Support Those That have Touch My Heart, (Family & Friends) Most of All I Support My Love My Special True Love Love You Baby
Om Mig
NathanSalt VIP-klubbmedlem
Avatar since: 2021-11-07

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Relationship Status: Married
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