Laddar hemsida
Rarely on anymore my loves.

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Ok, so welcome to my page!
Look around and maybe you will find something interesting.
Have a nice day, and do write me a message
But before writing a message
Please do not:
- Ask for my badge (its not on autogrant for a reason)
- Send me requests about any kind of art
- Criticize me or my friends
- Insult me
Please do:
+ Ask questions about me
+ Give nice comments
+ Stop by to say hello
A man who's pure of heart and says his prayers by night May still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright
I made my page all on my own. If you steal or copy anything from my hp, you will probably get reported.
If you have any ideas on how to help me get better at making pages, please let me know.
I appreciate it very much. It took me about an hour and a half making the hp.
You will have to excuse my bad english. I´m not from an english speaking country.
I really hope I do not come off as a rude or selfcentered person.
I´m actually really nice, or I´d like to think I am.
I do have a female and a male avi. Do not judge me, I just like female avi´s aswell as male ones.
My seven favorite creators at the moment are (in no specific order) :
thegangstamuffin Kels Cindyy Seb FEDDEZ Tympany MissC

My best friend here on IMVU is mathemedic

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