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Om Mig
Avatar since: 2007-05-06

Age: 39  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - AZ
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One against the world
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
Welcome to my profile ^_^

Unfortunately there's not much to me. I'm an extremely anti-social(shy) person. Not in the mean kind of way but I have a hard time talking to someone I don't know BUT I am ok with you asking any kind of questions you have, I'll be more than happy to answer them If I can. Lately been going some hard personal times so I apologize if I seem moody or boring at times. Been trying to find reasons to be happy again and I really hope I do someday.

If you want to talk to me on imvu please add me as a friend because I only have my client set to friends only. The reason I do that is because random people invite me to chat and don't say or do anything -_-

Also if you want to chat please do NOT wait for me to invite first, I never invite first to anyone due to personal reason, so invite me first please if you want to chat, besides it'll show me that you're actually interested in talking to me so I'll appreciate it a lot ^ ^''

Below is some of my favorite songs, I like a combo of everything. Browse around my playlist and you'll get a rough idea of the types of music that I like. There's still dozens of songs I've been meaning to add but can't remember the names. I know I have odd taste in music but I still hope you like them. Please let me know if one of them doesn't play for you.

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Yujisan has no special someone.
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Hey please help my cause below by doing some activities, would greatly appreciate it.

Click here to see The REAL Yujisan
nWoNew World OrderLone Gunman's Pain
The Fiery EchidnaMr. Sonic Boom
Mina vänner (3)
Below is my Xbox Live Gamertag, I"m not on it very much but feel free to add me as a friend if you want. If you do just let me know who you are on IMVU please.

Please support one of my best friend by buying one of her excellent products. You won't be dissapointed if you do ^_^

Sheshin's Products
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This wish list is intended to keep track of the things I'm planning on buying for myself. I don't expect anyone to buy anything for me here, but if by chance you do then a trillion thanks ^_^
bathroom with toiletLSR Hottub *CC*Bathtub & ShowerD's Country Winter[PL]ShirT ]EDGE[ X2
|ven|wanna piece of me ?Blue Bay Bundlespacerspacerspacer
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friendly Friends 3
visitors Visitors 426
kharma Gifts 23
generosity Generosity 95

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