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Om Mig

Avatar sedan: 2006-01-21
Age: 39
United States - FL
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"Bang Bang=Your Dead X_x"

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I'm thalia I've been thinking a lot lately In fact, I think too much !!! Im not gonna be your bff thats fer sure and maybe I wont even be nice to you but you never know I try to be nice and talk with everyone but sometimes I get annoyed I HATE awkward silences they make me feel like a dumb bitch I am single and uhm... I think about love a lot I believe everyone is meant to love someone and be loved in return so... I know I'll find someone for me im not worried about that I dont have many friends but the ones I have are awesome and I couldnt ask for more they get me back on track whenever I need it the hug me when im sad and they bring me back to earth sometimes I live with my dad and I couldnt be any happier with him hes amazing, smart, and funny and he spoils me a lot I love taking pictures specially from myself, or random moments I would love to remember every good moment in my life but I cant.. so I take pictures I can be very random or goofy sometimes thats just me ! I say whatever comes to my mind and Im not afraid of what are u gonna think about it If you leave me a random comment I will love you forever If you buy me another puppy I'll love you forever too I already have one named dakota and shes awesome I love chai latte I drink one every day I love sushi, I eat it at least once a week I know how to cook it and I'll be glad to cook for you one day blog comments make me happier than pic comments I already know im pretty lol but pic comments are nice if i dont ask for them i just realized I moved on with a lot of things in my life now I know what I want I know what to live for and Im a happy person I want everyone I love to be happy I want to be myself no matter what I want to find a boy that loves me no matter what a boy that holds my hand when Im afraid a boy that hugs me when its cold a boy that kisses me under the rain a boy that takes care of me a boy that I can love in return I want all my friends to be with me no matter what, I want to stick around them they are the most important thing in my life I want my dad to be happy because he's the best thing in the world and I want my mom to stop fighting my custody there are many thing I want but I know they are gonna come true I just have to make an effort and stay focused and this time no one is gonna stop me from getting what I want =
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-tx- hotshades whiteCaYzCaYz PrincessHour_BPrism Eyes TurquoiseLight Wash Denimn Capris*L* +DollPetite
[MK] Skull Cardigan*SG* Baby Angel DressAyu * Blonde Pink Brown.904. Club Feen - SH*[NAKED FACE V2]*
Sweetheart Pink NailsWoven slides SILVER[D] Diamond TunicLEx~ Rose Hibiscus Tube[MK] StrawberryBear Top
Coral Print Tubespacerspacerspacerspacer
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she is an awsome person awsome model the best picture taker that i have seen here
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