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私のページへの歓迎! 私の名前はMisa であり、私は日本の生気とobsest である! ハハ、よく、私は私がこれをいかに訂正しているか、私の好みのanime が明らかな死のノートであることを私のお母さんと(再度) 私が半分日本の半分のアメリカ人である、私の兄弟thats そうここにいる、私住んでいる推測するかもしれないし、今東京の兄弟は、anywho 、ya を見ることを考える! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more Draw Customized Symbols -
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Death Note

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Who are you from Death Note?

-Misa Amane-You are cute and love being so. You are clever and like a certain someone.
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Its not the entier episode, maily because you tube sucks because It took off most of the episodes damn it, oh well! Hope you enjoy it! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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What Do The Death Note Characters Think Of You?(Girls Only, Sorry Dudes!)
Okay, you're more like a happy kind of person. Don't take that as a bad thing! You're very helpful with others and you like to dance. You get to be rough if you need to.Light Yagami: She's such a happy kid. I've only seen her be angry once. She scared the hell out of me...God, I wish I wasn't there. Other than that, she's on to me. I think she knows that I'm Kira.L Lawliet: She's great with the investigation. She's so determined to hunt down Kira. I asked her why and she said that her parents were killed by Kira. Misa Aname: She's a little annoying and Light doesn't seem to be interested in her so I guess she's okay...for now.Nate River: She always jokes around near me. It's not like she's teasing me or anything but she always likes to make everyone feel better. Mihael Keehl: She actually wanted to join the Mafia. I told her to get lost since the Mafia was for people who are going to risk their lives. She wanted to prove me wrong but I still didn't accept her. After that, she really didn't care about joining anymore.Mail Jeevas: Mello told her to stop begging to join the Mafia but honestly, he wanted her to be safe. I mean, c'mon, a girl, getting hurt. It'd be our fault if she did get hurt.Teru Mikami: She doesn't really suspect God of being...God. It looks like that she's innocent but God says that looks can be deceiving.Ryuk: She really doesn't know that I'm even here...but everyone doesn't know that I'm here unless they touch my Death Note. Rem: Misa hasn't really talked much about her but she has met her. This girl has always been at the back of my mind.Soichiro Yagami: A fantastic help with the Kira case. She stayed up one night while looking for clues. She really wants to capture Kira than anybody else.Tota Matsuda: Other than a friendly help with the Kira case, she is friends with about everybody. Quillsh Wammy: She's a girl like no other. She helps people and she wants to avenge her parents and kill Kira. This girl is always pushing herself over the limit.
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MCPunk: Tartan Skirt 1Blonde High PonyANN Harajuku Girl Bundle[LLT] Goth in Love SkirtArch Angel Wings-Black
Blonde Lulu Base[LLT] Goth in Love Topspacerspacerspacer
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the2second2kira has no special someone.
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Om Mig

Avatar sedan: 2007-08-25
Age: 35
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"Some how, I will find a way to make you love me for real..."

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Hello! *waves* I'm Misa (no joke that really is my nickname) Ok, I try to stay in charector as much as I can, if not I use the little thingys -> () OK, so... I'm not supost to tell u more than I should *smiles* But oh well, my hp is a work in progress, and people! pleeeease leav a messege! oh ya, and I'm trying to get together a role play for death note, and I'm gonna try to get it on, whats it called again? oh ya, you tube, so just gimme a shout if your interested! Can't wait to meet u all! Misa <3

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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
Mina vänner (2)
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DOB:June, 25, 1990
Birthplace:Sweet home alabama
Current Location:NY
Hair Color:Blond
Eye Color:brown (but they look red at time >D
Piercings:one on my eyebrow
Band/Singer:SUM 41!!!
Song:I hvae waaaay too many
Genre of Music:punk rock
Color:black and pink
TV Shows:Death note
Movies:Death note (I was in Japan when I saw it yay!)
Store:Hot topic
Vacation Spot:Japan
Drink:Water >D
Clothing Brand:Sinner
Shoe Brand:All stars
Animal:Da wolf!
Pizza Topping:CHEESE!
This or That:
Sunny or Rainy:Rainy
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate
Fruit or Vegi:Vegi all da way
Day or Night:Night
Sweet or Sour:Sour
Love or Money:wtf? Love!
Person or Phone:Person
Looks or Persanloty:Persanaloty (but I would aprieciate it if their not completely ugly)
Coffee or Tea:Tea
Hot or Cold:HOT (burn! sisle sisle!)
Do you want to get married:hell ya!
Do you wanna have kids:yeah
How many:1-2
Do you wanna go to collage:wtf? what kind of a question is that! duh!
What do you wanna be:A singer
What you see in a guy:
Looks or Brains:both...
Sweet or Rude:Sweet
Hot or Ugly:HOT!!
Rich or Poor:I honistly don't care
Do you:
Curse:what do u think?
Do you think your good looking:well....

Happy holidaze! muhahaha Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Which Deathnote Character are you?

Misa Amane
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Coola Nya Människor
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Lets here it for the "cool" new people, woohoo! *cricket cricket* srry ^-^
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visitors Visitors 103
kharma Gifts 4
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